Nepal is rich country in natural beauty.It is the must popular country in world. Nepal is the country full mountains and various naturals beauty.such as lake, caves,rivers,forest so on.tourists come to see that beauty and they enjoy by looking it. they also enjoyed by taking part in all the activities that gives enjoyment like rafting in river, mount climbing , trekking and so on.when they enjoyed  they became close with Nepali people so that they can get more detail information about more new factorial.
                 Its beauty like snow mountain, lakes national park are loved by the people from all over the world.
the from of tourist here to observably and to enjoy our beauty are growing more ,day by day. our country is one of the richest country in world in natural beauty , natural beauty the main thing that has helped in increasing  name and fame of our country but citizens of our country has not yet realize our country beauty.
                      Instead of conserving them they are cutting down the trees of the forest area. they are selling the animals skin bones teeth and so on. for example Rhinoceros which is here animals and found in teal regions of our country are being killed for their born because it is very expensive. people throws the wast in river,which is making water polluted like wise.
                        there are many more activities of that are degrading our  natural beauty. so, we have to conserve the beauty of natural and we have to save it and think it.    


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